yogatrishna : the thirst to be boundless

“Classical Hatha Yoga is a complete path by itself. If you give yourself totally to this process, you can make yourself the way you want.”              


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why yogatrishna ?

Yoga Trishna is an endeavor born as an offering to one of the greatest mystic and Yogi of our times, Sadhguru.
It is a continuous striving and an outpouring to make humanity experience the profoundness and potential of classical yoga in its purest form.
Yoga Trishna translates into “The thirst to be boundless.” Sadhguru says, “The thirst to be boundless is not created by you; it is just life longing for itself.”

“The Hatha Yoga as we are teaching this is not happening now, this is happening for millennia in this form.”
– Sadhguru

We beseech each one of you to experience the depth and potential of classical Hatha yoga in its purest form.

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Meet sadhguru

This life for me is an endeavor to help people experience and express their divinity. May you know the bliss of the Divine.

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